The culture of a nation is inseparable from the society education process. In this educational process, ideas produced will later form a noble culture.
“Culture and education must operate in an interdialectic bound, both must grow in continuity,” said the dean of Faculty Social Sciences and Sports Education, Dr. Agus Sutono, M.Phil on November, 23 2022.
Agus gave a speech at the VIIth National Seminar on Indonesians, with the theme Dialectics of Culture in Building Education. In his speech, he stated that this seminar aims to sharpen and deepen our Indonesians insight, especially in the basic context of Pancasila, the foundational philosophical theory of Indonesia.
“In every aspect of life, Indonesian must always be contextualized in accordance with the time development. Culture and education are two things that must always put attention to, because they are related to the changing times. Studies on education and culture can be used as a way of response to our national situation today.”
In agreement with Agus, Halim HD as one of the speakers at the seminar emphasized the importance of dialectics between culture and education.
“Conceptually, there is a synergistic relationship between culture and education. We cannot see culture and education separately. Both are dialectical without having to emerge conflict,” said Halim.
Meanwhile, the Rector of Universitas PGRI Semarang Dr. Sri Suciati, M.Hum, underlined the importance of refering to the concept of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara, the pioneer of education for native Indonesians.
“The concept of Ki Hajar Dewantara’s Taman Siswa is important for revitalization. Teacher’s Role is very important. Teachers make students happy to come to school. Quality education creates a civilized culture.”
Held both online and offline this seminar was attended by 1088 participants. 254 authors presented their scientific work to this seminar in form of proceedings. This seminar presented professional speakers, including Halim HD (humanist), Prof. Fakhruddin (Universitas Negeri Semarang), and Prof. Wawan Sundawan Suherman (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta).