1725 students were given technical training about KKN

The main task of the students participating in the KKN is to help the community maximize the potential that exists in their area. This was conveyed by the Rector of UPGRIS, Dr. Sri Suciati, M.Hum in a welcoming speech for KKN Student Provision, at the Balairung Building, on 16 November 2022.

Suci added, “Students must approach to be able to see the potential. The potential of the region can be seen in terms of economy, entrepreneurship, tourism, and health.” According to Suci, from these observations, the programs produced by students must be in line with findings in the field.

The Head of Community Empowerment and KKN, LPPM UPGRIS, Arisul Ulumuddin, M.Pd., said that this year’s Community Service Program was attended by 1725 students. “Students will be placed in urban districts according to the student’s choice, namely in Semarang City, Semarang, Demak, Jepara, Kendal, and Batang districts.”

In today’s debriefing, students will focus on basic knowledge material related to KKN practice. The various materials included Knowledge about Digital Literacy in Community Empowerment in Central Java which was filled in by the Head of the Central Java Communication and Information Service; The role of Higher Education in community empowerment by Vice Chancellor IV Dr. Nur Khoiri, S.Pd., M.T., M.Pd.