Universitas PGRI Semarang (UPGRIS) gave awards and appreciation to a number of outstanding students at the 2022 National Student Sports Week (Pomnas) and the 2022 Student Amateur Boxing National Championship, Chancellor’s Cup, Jakarta State University (UNJ). The award was given directly by the Rector of UPGRIS Dr. Sri Suciati MHum accompanied by Deputy Chancellor III, […]
Islam teaches its people to always put reason and intelligence first in living. Muslims are taught to be accustomed to thinking rationally and logically strongly. It was presented by Habib Husein Ja’far Al Hadad at the Islamic Fair 2022, with the theme “Love is not prayed only, but intellectually too” at Balairung, on November 28, […]
The culture of a nation is inseparable from the society education process. In this educational process, ideas produced will later form a noble culture. “Culture and education must operate in an interdialectic bound, both must grow in continuity,” said the dean of Faculty Social Sciences and Sports Education, Dr. Agus Sutono, M.Phil on November, 23 […]
The main task of the students participating in the KKN is to help the community maximize the potential that exists in their area. This was conveyed by the Rector of UPGRIS, Dr. Sri Suciati, M.Hum in a welcoming speech for KKN Student Provision, at the Balairung Building, on 16 November 2022. Suci added, “Students must […]
The achievement for a lecturer is to write scientific articles published in reputable journals. As an academician, through conducting research and publishing scientific articles, lecturers will reach the highest academic level, namely obtaining the title of professor. “The honor of a lecturer and academician is earned through the publication of scientific articles in reputable journals. […]
Universitas PGRI Semarang is one of the universities participating in the Emancipated Student Exchange Program (PMM/Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka). This opportunity is a momentum for UPGRIS to provide the best experience for its students. A total of 117 students from various universities in Indonesia participated in this program for one semester. “I appreciate the students’ seriousness […]
Fakultas Hukum Universitas PGRI Semarang berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi. Beberapa pokok kerja sama yang hendak dicapai ialah di bidang penelitian, jurnal, serta Merdeka Belajar kampus Merdeka. “Fakultas Hukum terus berkomitmen agar para mahasiswa mendapat pelayanan dan pengajaran yang maksimal, serta mendapatkan pengalaman yang kelak bermanfaat dalam menunjang karir” […]
Dalam menyikapi dunia kerja, cara berpikir mahasiswa harus diubah. Keinginan menjadi pegawai negeri sipil atau mencari tempat kerja hanya sesuai jurusan selepas mereka lulus sebaiknya mesti diubah. Dunia kerja sekarang membuka kesempatan yang luas bagi mahasiswa untuk terjun di dunia wirausaha. “Mahasiswa sekarang harus lebih berani menekuni dunia usaha. Ini sungguh peluang yang terbuka lebar. […]
Kemajuan teknologi informasi sangat berpengaruh pada tindakan berbahasa manusia. Akses terhadap internet melalui gawai membuat pola bebrbahasa masyarakat menjadi berubah. Berbagai ungkapan, singkatan, dan akronim baru lahir akibat tingginya komunikasi melalui internet. “Pada dasarnya pengguna bahasa berusaha semudah dan seminim mungkin menggunakan tenaga ketika berbahasa melalui penghematan dalam penggunaan unsur-unsur kebahasaan,” ungkap Rektor UPGRIS Dr. […]
UPGRIS menerima kunjungan dari Politeknik Katolik Mangunwijaya Semarang. Dalam kunjungan tersebut diselenggarakan penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama, terutama di bidang penelitian. “Kolaborasi menjadi kata bertuah. Kami berharap, MoU ini akan diimplementasikan ke dalam program kerja kolaborasi di bidang penelitian secara nyata. Sehingga akan memberikan kontribusi kepada kedua belah pihak,” ucap Rektor UPGRIS Dr. Sri Suciati, M.Hum […]